CM_AudioClientMinecraft Bukkit Plugin on SoundCraftSurvivalThe CMAudioClient lets you hear our implemented SOUNDCRAFT Soundtrack, PARTY MUSIC!
, Commentaries and ambient sounds! As you climb your Career ladder you can even unlock slots to upload your own music onto the server. So you can listen to your favourite mp3s and radio stations!
To hear the CMAudioClient Sounds on SOUNDCRAFT, it's enough to know the following features:
1. Installing:Download the CM_AudioClient v0.9a
here!Windows/Mac:Open the CM_AudioClient_v0.9a.jar with a simple double click (choose "java.exe" / Java to open)
Enter your minecraft name, our Server IP and the port 4224
Again do NOT enter the port of a minecraft server!
Press connect.
Log on to Soundcraft.
wait for the sounds to load...
Enjoy the Sounds!
Sometimes the Audio Client disconnects when there are network skips.
In that case disconnect and reconnect the
Audio Client.
for Pro's: